Sunday, September 30, 2018

Newsletter - September 30th, 2018

Howdy Neighbor!

The work on replacing our crumbling exterior walls will begin shortly and take about two months to complete. Here are the highlights:
  • Work to replace the walls should start in the next week or two and last two months
  • Work will start at Orlando entrance and move north from there
  • The city will pay for the replacement of the wall and our entryway beds
  • Our electric meter had to be relocated, which cost just under $1500

NOTE: If any house relied on the wall to be part of their backyard fence (i.e., they did not fence off their yard completely), the city will (only) be putting up the orange construction mesh during the work.

Political (and other) signs: We love that we have neighbors that are passionate about their politics, but here are some friendly reminders about personal/political/advertising signs:

By law, signs are not allowed in easements (between sidewalk and the street): Basically, just keep them inside of the sidewalks and you should be good.
No signs in common areas: Individually, please do your thing, but our neighborhood is a non-partisan / neutral entity; the only appropriate sign in a common area would be a notice from CENA

The budget front: The expense from the meter relocation has killed off our operating funds and pushed deep into  our tiny reserve. The rainy day came and used up our rainy day funds, so we lack the funds to deal with a serious emergency. If you have not chipped in, please consider doing so; if you are unsure as to how much, we would suggest $100. As always, the choice is yours.

Thank you for your kind consideration and being a good neighbor.

Your neighbors, the CENA Board (

P.S: Please join us on, just drop us a note via

How to Donate

Online: Please use our PayPal form at
Check: Please send (or drop off) a check to our Treasurer John Redus at 1121 Lake Ridge, and please make your check payable to "CENA"