Sunday, March 25, 2018

Update - Egg Hunt, Wall, and Budget

Hello Neighbor!

Eggs and walls, but no Humpty Dumpty.

Egg Hunt: Yesterday we wrapped up another Egg Hunt. Thanks to Liz for organizing that.

Cultural Diversity: Do you have fun holidays to share with us? Please let us know and we can help organize an event!

Another Brick in the Wall: We have a developing issue with one of our exterior walls. Members of the CENA board have met the City of Plano and the four entryway-adjacent homes that will be most impacted. this month to discuss options for resolving it.

We will have to eat into our budget to replace some or all of our plants/beds/irrigation. We are working on bids now. Speaking of budget...

The Budget Front: We are currently in the black, about $500 above our emergency reserve. Thank you for those that have given. We should shoot for maintaining $1500 above our reserve, so if you have not chipped in, please consider doing so; if you are unsure as to how much, we would suggest $100 a year. As always, the choice is yours.

Your neighbors, the CENA Board