Monday, April 18, 2016

Covenant Questions - Can I Put In a Carport?

Source: Wikipedia

Jeff asks:
Hi there.  After the recent hail events, I was thinking about installing a carport.  I know Plano has some guidelines we must follow.  Are there additional Creekbend Estates rules regarding carports?  Thanks, Jeff
The answer may shock you (well, probably not).

To answer this question, we need to look at the covenants that govern our properties.  These covenants are legally-binding to our properties and pass on with each new owner.

What are they?  We have provided links to them on the Welcome page.  I have reproduced them below:
In Article IV, Section 1, we find:
"No carports shall be permitted."
So, per our covenants, they are not allowed for a Creekbend Estates property.