Howdy Neighbor!
What a strange few months we have had - the Capitol insurrection, snowmageddon, and a third and maybe fourth wave of COVID-19. It feels like 2021 is trying to outdo 2020 for Worst Year Ever.
In spite of being careful, Catherine and I came down with COVID-19 when we had the big spike mid-January. Thankfully, it was not serious and we will be fully vaccinated by month's end.
One silver lining: A friend staying at our house managed to avoid catching it from us by double-masking and social distancing. We are thankful that they did not get it and are now fully vaccinated.
If you are looking for vaccines, will let you search by zip code and which vaccine(s) you want. If you need help getting signed up for a vaccine, feel free to reach out to me.
We can't quite let our guard down yet, but we can definitely see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Michael J Casavant, CENA President
The freeze: We think we have survived the freeze with minimal impact. The next few months will tell. Fortunately, our neighbor and Entryways Chair, Scott Sweeney, is keeping a vigilant eye on our planters.
The budget front: We are all a bit distracted right now, and I will be sending our intrepid Treasurer, John Redus a check today. We have dipped well into our reserves and we may need extra money to offset freeze damage to the entryways. If you have not chipped in this year, please consider doing so; if you are unsure as to how much, we suggest $120. As always, the choice is yours, can you help out?
Thank you for your kind consideration and being a good neighbor.
Your neighbors, the CENA Board (
P.S: Please join us on, just drop us a note via
How to Donate
Online: Please use our PayPal form at
Check: Please send (or drop off) a check to our Treasurer John Redus at 1121 Lake Ridge.
Checks should be made payable to CENA.