Saturday, June 8, 2019

Newsletter Update - June 8th, 2019

Howdy Neighbor!

The work on replacing our crumbling exterior walls is done and the entryways are replaced!

Honoring the fallen. This past Memorial Day weekend, some of us marched in Carry the Load. It helped us focus on honoring the memory of those that have fallen in service to our people and our country. It is a somber day, but it’s good for us to pause and reflect on the sacrifices that have been made for us.

Can you help us get back into the green to pay for our greenery? Not surprisingly, the whole wall thing has caused us to dip into our tiny reserve. Please join me in helping top us back up so our Treasurer, John Redus, can sleep peacefully. More details at the end of this.

A special shout out to Scott Sweeney, our Entryways Chair, for shouldering the risk of the lawn care costs to restore our entryway beds. There was a gap between paying the contractor and getting reimbursed, and Scott stepped up and took one for the team to cover the cost until the check came in, and those things are not cheap! Please be sure and shake his hand and thank him when you see him.

Would you like to be Social Chair? Do you have great ideas for social activities in our neighborhood? Would you like to help make those happen? Please join the board! We have no Social Chair right now, which is making us a bunch of boring people that hide in our houses. Save us with your social prowess!

The budget front: As we discussed last time, the expense from the meter relocation has killed off our operating funds and pushed deep into  our tiny reserve. The rainy day came and used up our rainy day funds, so we lack the funds to deal with a serious emergency. If you have not chipped in, please consider doing so; if you are unsure as to how much, we would suggest $100. As always, the choice is yours, can you help us?

Thank you for your kind consideration and being a good neighbor.

Your neighbors, the CENA Board (

P.S: Please join us on, just drop us a note via

How to Donate

  • Online: Please use our PayPal form at
  • Check: Please drop us a note for information on how to pay by check